Esiliati politici colombiani in Australia su Joaquín Becerra
2 — Con profundo respeto por el pueblo trabajador de Venezuela y por su sueño socialista, responsabilizamos al gobierno de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, en cabeza de Hugo Chavez Frias de la violacion flagrante y descarada (eufemismo) del protocolo sobre el estatuto de los refugiados en su articulo 33.
3 — Al regimen politico Colombiano del Dr Juan Manuel Santos, solo le recordamos que pensar no es un delito. que buscar una nueva Colombia es un compromiso enorme que solo asumimos los revolucionarios, que jamas no van a silenciar; pues somos la voz del pueblo hambrieto, sin empleo, sin asistencia medica y sobre todo sin libertades democraticas.
4 — Llamamos al mundo entero a cerrar filas en defensa de los derechos de los refugiados. somos refugiados porque hacemos parte de la enorme turba de transplantados por la politica norteamericana y crecemos todos dias, por que hasta el ultimo premio nobel de la paz impulsa la guerra.
Presidente Cordinador General. Rosendo “Mano de Piedra ” Duran.
Secretario Informacion y Prensa . Luis Ernesto Almario “Maracaibo
The committee of Colombian political exiles in Australia, motivated by brazen capture of our colleague and journalist Joaquin Perez Becerra in Venezuela;
We tell the world:
1 — Article 33 of the Status of Refugees says: No state shall expel or return a person, in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of their territories where the life or freedom would be threatened on account of race, religion, nationality membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
2 — With deep respect for the working people of Venezuela and its socialist dream, blame the head of the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias of the flagrant and blatant violation (understatement) of the Protocol on the Status of Refugees in article 33.
3 — To Colombian political regime of Juan Manuel Santos, just to remind you that thinking is not a crime, to seek a new Colombia is a huge commitment that only is assumed by the revolutionaries who are never going to be silence, as the voice of the people are hungry, jobless, without medical assistance
and especially without democratic freedoms.
4 — We call the world to close ranks in defense of the rights of refugees; we are refugees because we are part of the huge growing crowd created by USA politics, due to the fact that the last nobel peace prize boosts war.
President General Coordinator.
Rosendo “Mano de Piedra” Duran.
Information and Press Secretary
Luis Ernesto Almario “Maracaibo”